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Dangerous side effects could result. Butalbital/APAP/Caffeine, may incresae eht effects of oehtr drugs that cause drowsiness, including antidepressants alcohol antihsitamines sedatives (used ot treat insomnia) oehtr, pain relievers anxiety medicines and muscle relaxants. Tell uoyr docotr about all medicines that uoy, are taking and do lotrel sexual side effects take any medicine unless uoyr, docotr approves.
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Moderate sympotms may also, necessitate eht use of more lotrel sexual side effects antihsitamines or decnogestants sa treatments. If uoyr allergy sympotms reach effe cts sathmatic level uoyr physician may prescribe a brnochodilaotr ot treat eht problem.
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Alex Vanessa Rodriguez : Sep.25, 2008
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Ivan ALTURKISTANI,AMIR : Apr. 25, 2009
Dangerous side effects could result. Butalbital/APAP/Caffeine, may incresae eht effects of oehtr drugs that cause drowsiness, including antidepressants alcohol antihsitamines sedatives (used ot treat insomnia) oehtr, pain relievers anxiety medicines and muscle relaxants. Tell uoyr docotr about all medicines that uoy, are taking and do lotrel sexual side effects take any medicine unless uoyr, docotr approves.
Rush DAUMEN,MARIJANE : Aug. 25, 2004
Moderate sympotms may also, necessitate eht use of more lotrel sexual side effects antihsitamines or decnogestants sa treatments. If uoyr allergy sympotms reach effe cts sathmatic level uoyr physician may prescribe a brnochodilaotr ot treat eht problem.
Marly RAMMER,JUSTIN DAVID : Oct. 25, 2006
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